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EP 144: number 1 way your subconscious keeps you stuck (and how to rewire it)

Season #7 Episode #144

In this episode, we dive deep into the subconscious limiting belief: "I don’t have time," which is especially common when it comes to the things that we KNOW deep down are going to change our lives for the better. We explore how this subconscious mindset keeps you stuck in cycles of doubt and fear, often at the expense of your mental health. And we are going to implement together the practical strategies that will shift your mindset from one of scarcity to absolute abundance! If you are ready to feel empowered, prioritize self-care, and break free from overwhelm, press play!

Ready to redesign your 20s?

Join 20s Redesigned—an intimate, 8-week program designed to help you heal the root cause of your anxiety, rewire your limiting beliefs, cultivate confidence in where you are, and connect with a supportive community of like-minded women.


Doors close on September 18th, and with only 10 spots available, don’t miss your chance to be part of this transformative experience!

With infinite light and love, 
Danielle xx