All Episodes
EP 147: The Secret to Healing Your Money Mindset to Manifest Abundance
In this episode, Danielle dives into the energetics of money and how shifting your mindset can unlock abundance and wealth. She explores the key differences between desiring and wanting, the illusion of money, and how...
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EP 146: Uncovering the secret to creating lasting happiness
In today's episode we differentiate the emotion of happiness from the state of BEing happy. Through storytelling and reflection, Danielle aims to explore how we can all create inner states of baseline happiness as we...
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EP 145: how to come alive in the season of autumn (healing with nature)
As the air turns crisp and the leaves begin to fall, autumn invites us to slow down and transform. In this episode, we explore how to "come alive" and heal deeper during this season of transition, using grounding...
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EP 144: number 1 way your subconscious keeps you stuck (and how to rewire it)
In this episode, we dive deep into the subconscious limiting belief: "I don’t have time," which is especially common when it comes to the things that we KNOW deep down are going to change our lives for the better. We...
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EP 143: How I manage anxiety in my 20s
In today’s episode, I’m opening up about my personal journey with anxiety in my 20s and sharing the holistic and evidence-based tools that have transformed my life. From ITA energy medicine to EFT tapping and...
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EP 142: Implementing the habits to become your highest self (75 soft?)
Today we chat about the ways in which you can truly EMBODY and ALIGN with the version of yourself who already has all your dreams and desires. This is all about aligning energetically with the reality you know is...
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EP 141: How to enjoy life NOW, even if you're not where you want to be YET
Let’s talk about how we can surrender to the flow of our divine timing and bring joy into the present moment as we continue to co-create and align with the future we desire. It is possible to enjoy the journey, and...
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EP 140: for when you are low on faith and need a boost
Let’s talk about what happens when you are energetically aligned with your desires, but your physical reality has yet to catch up. Let’s explore why our faith can sometimes become low, and how we can fill up our faith...
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EP 139: Beat Imposter Syndrome & Stay Aligned After Achieving Your Goals
In today's episode, we explore the journey that begins AFTER achieving your goals. We'll discuss the surreal feeling of manifestation, imposter syndrome, and how to sustain your success through aligned action. Join me...
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EP 138: honest Q&A - favorite parts of my life, surrendering, advice to my younger self, dealing with toxic people, books, and more!
Today we dive into a Q&A where I answer personal, juicy questions in order to show up more authentically and honestly in this space as we grow, learn, and evolve alongside each other in this life.The following...
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EP 137: Lessons learned traveling + accidentally manifesting my engagement
Today we chat about my experience traveling around Europe for a month and how leaning into rest, adventure, trust, and surrender helped me become more aligned than I ever have before. I discuss the ups and downs of my...
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EP 136: embracing change + navigating life transitions with resilience
In today’s episode, we explore what it means to truly embrace change, which is life's only constant. As humans we are designed to always be in a state of evolution and growth, yet we rarely get taught how to navigate...
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