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EP 111: Energy reading for November (prosperity, fiery climax, end of a tough cycle)

Season #6 Episode #111

In this episode, Danielle explores two beautiful oracle decks in the podcast’s first ever collective energy reading for the month of November. There is a more general energy that is then followed up by a more personalized and individual reading for each listener. Oracle readings help you tap into your intuition and access the information your higher self is seeking to communicate to you. If you are in need of greater clarity or want to  gain deeper insight into this season of your life, hit play!

Connect with Danielle!

Instagram: @danielleleighlanteri 


ITA Energy Medicine Alignments: 

Wellness Counseling:

Gain FREE access to the Higher Self Library here!  

Want to ask a question or leave a topic suggestion?

DM Danielle on instagram or email [email protected]   

I am infinitely grateful to have shared this space with you today, and I can’t wait to dive even deeper with you next week. If you want to support this podcast, rate it on Spotify and/or Apple music, or share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it. 

Sending a massive energy hug your way!

Danielle xx